It feels like I have been waiting to see the Avengers f o r e v e r. Yesterday, we finally made time to go. I had my priorities in line by waking up at 8 ready to get the day started so we could make it the first showing (I have extreme issues with being late to things). Beibs had other ideas in mind. The first thing he wanted was oysters. Exactly, who wants oysters 12 hours post an all day tequila binge? Yep, that guy.
We choked down our plates of oysters and off we went. My contacts have been going extremely wack these last couple of weeks. And of course, they decided to really freak out during the movie. I watched 3/4 of the movie with one eye open. Uhmazang let me tell you. Anyway, in the opening part of the movie they show these freaked out alien people. I have the most side tracked brain on the history of planet. I spent the majority of the movie thinking about how many people are actually in space. Don't worry, I found out for you.
Whaaaaa? I was totally expecting some extremely high number. For what reason, I do not know. I guess I was thinking that we would have a large number to cowboy lasso all these rouge aliens up. Either way, I spent my weekend obsessing over another country or planet. Speaking of outer space again, what in the hey is the super moon? Someone please enlighten me. Until then, I'll be trying to figure it out. Happy Monday ya'll :)
Side note: refrigerate your cellular device. This summer is going to be a doozie.
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