Thursday, April 12, 2012

the noodle

Like I've previously told ya'll, when I get something in my head I won't stop until I find it. Beibs and I have decided to have a lifestyle change. So far we are three days deep in our 6:30 am workouts. If ya'll have ever tried to wake Beibs up, ya'll know what I am dealing with. He despises the morning. Me, on the otherhand, well I go to sleep talking and wake up singing. I adore morning time. Maybe it has to do with my cereal obsession. Who knows?

We joined a gym so that took care of the working out. Now, it is my job to do the "dieting". I am a terrible dieter. I love to cook. Cooking and eating go hand in hand. Stir, taste, boil, taste, simmer, taste. By the time I am 20 minutes in, I'm pretty sure I've already consumed a Big Mac.

I set out on a quest to find the ultimate "dieter" noodle, shirataki. I have heard mixed reviews about it. Some people say it is nasty and some say they hardly taste a difference. I needed to find out for myself. I went to Kroger, no luck. Fresh Market, no luck. Wal-Mart, no luck. Everywhere I went, I ended up with zilch. At this point, I was thinking that Mr. Abita Strawberry and Mrs. Shirataki eloped to Aruba to never be seen or heard from ever again. I decided to start my online research and found a lead (going detective style - yes, it's that serious) that Asian markets may carry them. I finally found them at Van Hung. I could tell from the looks I received that not too many people meeting my description journey through their doors.

Everything looked a lot like jibberish (seeing that I am unicultural). Time to go old school and just look at the pictures. After looking long enough, I found that most of their packaging was written with English in teeny-tiny print (not that it helped). I'm pretty sure that I looked like a blind person with my face 2 inches from the products trying to figure out what they were.

This caught my attention when I noticed that can in the top right corner. Yep, the green one. Aloe. Since when can you drink aloe? Next time I am 5 minutes away from a sunburn death, I'll be sure and try this approach - coat myself from the inside out.

Just your neighborhood porcupine. Just kidding! Its actually a durian(?). No idea what that is either. I'll be sure and try that anivegifruit another visit. Surely it tastes better than it looks.

The goods - and yes they have the shirataki noodle! Whoop, whoop!

In saving the best for last, let me introduce you to the most amazing candy ever. Its a fusion of laffy taffy and salt water taffy. Not to firm, not to soft - just like the perfect mattress. I made it through the first pack before I made it out of the parking lot. Whoops.

Update: I am a Shirataki fan. Looks like they will be seeing more of me!

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