Friday, March 23, 2012

teenage lessons

Ohh, the Hunger Games.

Last night reminded me a lot about life. For starters, if you are going to a midnight movie, it is wise to show up before 11:50 unless you would like to sit on the front row. I can't tell you the amount of smug looks we received last night for having good seats. Lucky for us, we showed up at 9pm to stand in line. Which brings me to my next point - I was also reminded of the ripe minds all fifteen year old's possess. One little whipper snapper reminded me of this tidbit when she told me her daddy was a judge and he was going to sue me. Then she preceded to ask me how old I was and what I was doing there. Touché little one, touché. I, too, was asking myself this same question when I got home at 3 a.m. this morning. (Note to self: you need live on sleep) And on a last note, when you bring your child to movie that is based on death and war, don't get upset when she burst into tears in the middle of the movie. This sweet little girl sat next me. Bless her heart.

Now, onto the weekend plans: We are trying out new recipes on the BGE this weekend. I'm thinking smoking ribs on Saturday

and a breakfast pizza for Sunday morning. YUUMM! I'm telling ya ladies, get the man a BGE.

I'll be sure and let ya'll know how it goes. Happy weekend to you and yours!

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