Monday, March 19, 2012

the aftermath st. paddy's day style

Ohh the weekend! I have fantastic news, the house still stands with all it's windows, walls and doors!  In the words of Destiny's Child,

My brain, however, may not have survived. Due the lack of being able to fully process and the sloth speed my brain is moving today, I'm illustrating today's blog post in images of the weekend.

While walking to the parade, the cooler decided it needed to take a sick day. Too bad Mr. Cooler, you chose the wrong day. That kind of stuff doesn't fly on St. Paddy's day. He received an escorted Grecian royalty entrance, pizza boy style (on top of the shoulder for other sloth-speed people).

What kind of day would it be without a Beibs comment? Here ya'll go. Here is the Beibster after the parade -

And here is the Beibster the next morning - note to the Beibs: Gingers need survive on sunscreen (especially when wearing v-necks)

Lundles decided that she enjoyed the aftermath of last year's St. Paddy's Day better and wanted to throw in her own Lundie-sized chaos to the house. She tried folks. That's 100% of her effort right there.

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